. . . and innovative projects . . .


September 29, 1804

Clark A Set out early. Some bad sand bars. At 9 o'clock we observed the 2nd chief with 2 men and squaws on shore. They wished to go up with us as far as the other part of their band, which would meet us on the river above not far distant. We refused to let one more come on board stating sufficient reasons. Observed they would walk on shore to the place we intended to camp, offered us women. We objected and told them we should not speak to another Teton except the one on board with us, who might go on shore whenever he pleased. Those Indians proceeded on until later in the evening when the chief requested that the pirogue might put him across the river which we agreed to. Saw numbers of elk on the sand bars today. Passed an old Arikara village at the mouth of a creek without timber. We stayed all night on the side of a sand bar ½ a mile from the shore.

Clark B Set out early. Some bad sand bars, proceeded on. At 9 o'clock we observed the 2nd chief and 2 principal men, one man and a squaw on shore They wished to go up with us as far as the other part of their band, which they said was on the river ahead not far distant. We refused stating very sufficient reasons and was plain with them on the subject. They were not pleased, observed that they would walk on shore to the place we intended to camp tonight. We observed it was not our wish that they should for if they did we could not take them or any other Tetons on board except the one we had now with us who might go on shore whenever he pleased. They proceeded on. The chief on board asked for a twist of tobacco for those men. We gave him ½ a twist and sent one by them for that part of their band which we did not see and continued on. Saw great numbers of elk at the mouth of a small creek called No Timber (as no timber appeared to be on it). Above the mouth of this creek the Panies had a village 5 years ago. The 2nd chief came on the sand bar and requested we would put him across the river. I sent a pirogue and crossed him and one man to the right side and proceeded on and came to on a sand bar on about ½ mile from the main shore and put on it 2 sentinels. Continued all night at anchor (we substitute large stones for anchors in place of the one we lost). All in high spirits etc.

Gass We set sail early and had fair weather. Passed a handsome bottom covered with timber on the north side and bluffs on the south. We saw several Indians on the south side walking up the shore. Spoke to them and found they were some of those we left yesterday. There were one or two of the chiefs with them. They requested us to give them a carrot of tobacco for the chiefs of the other band to smoke. We sent them two carrots to a sand bar where they could get it, but told them we should not go on shore again until we came to the nation of the Arikaras, commonly called Rickarees, Rickrees, or Rees. The Missouri is very shallow at this time and full of sand bars. We passed an old village on the south side, where the Arikaras lived five years ago and raised corn in the bottom around the village. We encamped on a sand beach on the south side of the river.

Ordway We set off early, the weather fair. Proceeded on. Passed a handsome bottom covered with timber on north side, bluffs on south side. We saw several Indians on south side walking up the shore. We spoke to them, found they were some of those we left yesterday, 1 or 2 of them chiefs. They said that they would be glad if we would give one carrot of tobacco for the chiefs of the other band to smoke. We sent them 2 carrots to a sand bar but told them we should not land any more until we got to the Arikara nation of Indians. The Missouri is very shallow, a great number of sand bars. We passed an old village on south side where the Arikaras lived 5 years ago and raised corn on the bottom round the village. We saw a very large flock of elk on the bottom south side. Some Indians shot at them. We crossed 2 Indians in the pirogue to north side of the river. Came 15 miles today and camped at a large sand beach south side. The guard only on shore.

Whitehouse A We set off early. Proceeded on. Passed bluffs on south side. Saw several Indians on shore, 1 or 2 of the brave men, as they called themselves, wanted some tobacco. The officers gave them 2 carrots of tobacco but told them that we should not stop until we got to the Arikara Indian nations. Passed an old village on south side where the Arikaras had lived 5 years ago, had raised corn and beans. Camped on a sand beach on the south side.

Whitehouse B We set off early this morning, having fine clear weather, and passed by several bluffs lying on the south side of the river. We saw several Indians on the shore as we passed along. One or two of them (brave men as they called themselves,) told the officers that they wanted some tobacco. The officers gave them two carrots of tobacco and told them that we should not stop 'till we got to the Arikara nation. We proceeded on and passed an old Indian village, lying on the south side of the river, where the Arikaras had lived five years before and we were informed by one of the Frenchmen that was with us that they had raised corn, beans, peas and simblins at that place. We proceeded on and encamped in the evening on a sand beach lying on the south side of the River.