CAIRNS Joins SD Space Grant Consortium

Monday, January 16, 2023

At its monthly meeting last week, the South Dakota Space Grant Consortium Management Team approved CAIRNS’ letter of affiliation with the SD Space Grant Consortium. We are thrilled to be an Educational Affiliate of SDSGC and look forward to strengthening and broadening our work assisting the Consortium to implement NASA’s research and education programs, particularly with regard to American Indian content and to serving American Indian communities in South Dakota; and assisting the Consortium in addressing the needs of tribes and American Indian communities in our state in the areas of science and technology education, workforce development, and economic growth. Future plans include developing an observatory at Wingsprings, where the CAIRNS office is located, in the Lacreek District of Pine Ridge Reservation; creating and publishing new astronomy-related ethnoastronomical educational resources; extending educational astronomical initiatives across Lakotan reservations; and strengthening collaborations with other member organizations and representatives of the South Dakota Space Grant Consortium on projects and opportunities of mutual interest.