Front Page Indians - This Week in History

Monday, November 28, 2022

This week’s CAIRNS Etanhan Wotanin column reprints four articles that appeared on the front pages of South Dakota newspapers 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago this week, November 30 - December 4. The most recent story, from twenty-five years ago, is about a nationwide study that found strikingly short life expectancies of American Indian men in five South Dakota counties. The other selected front-page stories touch on American Indian Movement members being banned from Pine Ridge Reservation, a bill proposed by a South Dakota U.S. Senator to transfer law enforcement authority in reservations from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribes to the state and counties, and the desire of Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe citizens to move their capital from along the Missouri River to Eagle Butte. The column, “Front Page Indians - This Week in History,” can be read now by clicking hereor later this week in the Lakota Times newspaper.